2D, or not 2D, that is the question...  With so many new and innovative forms of animation production to choose from, it’s easy to disregard 2D animation as an outdated or ‘traditional’ approach. But, when it comes to choosing the right animation production for your next marketing project, 2D animation is definitely worth considering. Also, it’s affordable and can be created quicker than 3D animation. 

With the rise in popularity of digital video content on the internet over the past 10 years, there is a great demand for a 2D animation agency to produce high quality digital content that doesn’t break the bank. If you’re working to a tight budget, 2D animation production is a good option to consider because it has a much lower cost than its 3D counterpart. 

What about turnaround times? There are fewer steps in the 2D animation production process than other forms of animation, so in most cases it is quicker to produce. A 2D animation agency will work with clients to produce an overview of how the message and visuals will flow throughout the animation.

Walt Disney called 2D animation production “The Plausible Impossible” because it can create realistic movement from even the most abstract of sources. It may be a more traditional approach than many of the newer and flashier animation forms available, but it is still one of the most versatile formats for telling a story. It allows us to communicate emotions and ideas in a unique way that is easy for anyone to understand. 

2D animation production is ideal for bringing any narrative to life; from corporate training presentations and simple ‘how to’ animations, to massive marketing campaigns and complex conceptual videos. 

No matter what form it takes, 2D animation remains one of the most powerful creative tools we have. You can see our gallery below for examples of 2D animations we’ve created for our clients. If you would like to find out more about how 2D animation could help your business, get in touch for a free consultation!

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