The Animation Video Workbook - Chapter 3

This is an excerpt from our new e-book: “The Animation Video…

Animation Workbook Chapter 2

The Animation Video Workbook - Chapter 2

This is an excerpt from our new e-book: “The Animation Video…

History Timeline

3D Animation Timeline - The History Of 3D Animation

Our 3D animation timeline takes a look at the evolution of this incredible art…

Animation Video Workbook Chapter 01

The Animation Video Workbook - Chapter 1

For 2020 we are excited to share with you our new e-book: “The Animation…

Animation Art Styles

Animation Art Styles

Animation Art Styles – From Simple To Spectacular There are loads of…

Animation Brand Guidelines

How To Make Your Video, Well... Your Video!

The Importance Of Brand Guidelines On Your Animation Journey You might think…

animated marketing videos

What Is An Animated Explainer Video?

Animated Explainer Videos are the most common form of animated video –…

The Making Of Animated TV Adverts

The Making Of Animated TV Adverts

The best thing about making an animated TV advert is that absolutely anything…

Video Marketing Trends 2020

Video Marketing Trends For 2020

As we hurtle towards a new year, we’re excited to explore some of the biggest…

3D product animation statistics infographic

The Best Infographic Videos Of 2019

At The Animation Guys we love a debate in the office about the great work that…