animated shorts

Social Media Animation

Social Media Animation

Social media has boomed over the past decade. It has now become an essential piece in the marketing puzzle and helped some businesses build up bigger followings than most magazines or TV channels. Of the top 20 most popular websites on the internet, six of them are social media sites. We are communicating digitally and remotely more than ever before & staying relevant online is the new uphill struggle businesses are continually facing.

But how do you build a strong following? And with so many people posting content on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, how do you cut through the noise? The answer to the first question is engaging content. The answer to the second is through a social media animation.

An social media animation video is designed to live on social channels. This means short, sharp bursts of content that grab people’s attention as they scroll through their feed. Anyone can post up an image or a few lines of text, but very few can post a high-quality piece of animated video. By creating content that most people can’t, brands and businesses can cut through the noise in many ways.

The Benefits Of Animation

One of the simplest, yet the one that usually sees the most uses is a social media edit of your Animated Video. In this project for GovGrant, once the video was complete, we went back through and created multiple social media snippets and one of these was a 30-second edit of the full video. This meant capturing key messages and scenes to condense a 1-2 minute video for a different audience & platform. As you can also see, close captioning was added onto the video. This is because almost 80% of all online video on social media is watched first without sound.
Below you can watch a social media snippet created from the final video that will be used in targeted marketing campaigns. You can also watch the full video to get an idea of how the difference once It is shortened.

Why Animation Works So Well

As well as grabbing attention, video content can also make social media messages more memorable. The human brain finds it much easier to compute visuals than text, so a video is processed more effortlessly (and in less time) than any other form. That means audiences are more likely to engage with a social media video than they would with a static image or text update.

This project we completed with Absolut is a clear example of that. We were tasked with creating a compelling and engaging social media marketing campaign that would appeal to young adults across major cities in the UK and present alternative and safe ways to get home in the (often boozy) lead up to Christmas. It was highly successful and shows the power animation can have on social media.

Absolut campaign outside bar
Absolut campaign roman kemp

Repurposing your content

When you have invested in video as a medium for your marketing, it helps to get the most out of it that you can. This can mean tailoring your content to the platform it’s on. Some spaces where your video will be viewed, may have a different audience. This is where a social media snippet from the full video can give people a flavour and entice them to find out more and watch the full video. Ordinarily, these people may have passed over a longer video. This project with Akixi was one that where we repurposed their video. Created from the final animation were a selection of shorter snippets that helped to extract & illustrate key messages they wanted to focus on.

Connecting With The Customer

Social Media is highly successful when you can create something to stand out above the noise. This can come in many forms. You could create something highly entertaining and funny that gets shared and potentially goes viral. However, this is just one direction. The main aim for businesses is connecting with their customers. This, in turn, helps you stay at the front of their minds. One great way to do this is creating purpose made content for social media. This doesn’t have to come in the form of a huge big budget marketing campaign. It can be as simple as making something interesting for the company that can be used again and again. One such project was this 3D Rubix Cube we created for Build Aviator. We had already created a variety of different videos for them, but this time they were looking for something different that helps them to stand out.

Below are examples of previous videos we have created for Build Aviator that can also be used in conjunction with other content to connect their social media presence.

Social Media Platforms


Instagram is a visual platform where square videos can be very popular.

Instagram is also a platform where repurposing content into a portrait format works perfectly for posting on your company Instagram story.

Videos can be created to be posted straight onto your company social media where they will garner attention.

They can also be created in a square format to be used in Instagram advertising campaigns.

Example Instagram Story For Crisis


LinkedIn has seen a rapid increase in the popularity of its video posts.

Posts on Linkedin works well with full videos.

Shorter edits can be made to use in direct advertising campaigns in LinkedIn’s inbuilt tools.

LinkedIn is great for connecting with the right people. Using the power of animation when you find the right people can have amazing returns.

Example LinkedIn Videos for GovGrant


Facebook video has had a lot of rise and falls over the past few years.

Due to Facebook being connected to so much of the internet, your business presence on there has both a front end impact on what people see, but it also works as an anchor to direct people to your work.

The larger presence you can have on more sites, the better your internet traffic will be.

Absolut campaign results snapshot

Statistics From Absolute Social Media Campaign


Twitter videos are regularly shared around across the platform.

Many businesses have seen a large increase in the value of using twitter and video.

Being able to have direct contact with your consumers increases brand awareness & a catchy animation will be shared to others.

Shorter videos tend to be more popular so consider creating a shorter video that will lead people to your site.

Example Twitter Video For Akixi

Get the most out of your online marketing

Whether you’re looking to repurpose content or create something completely new, animated social media content is proven to work. Think social media videos could help your business? Take a look at some of our work below and get in touch.

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    Education Animation

    Education Animation

    Animation in education is growing increasingly popular as schools, colleges and universities begin to harness its infinite potential. From showcasing complex projects and research findings to showing off your institution to potential students, staff and stakeholders, animation in education can do it all.

    What Can Animation In Education Achieve?

    A better question would be, ‘what can’t animation in education achieve’!? And the answer is, ‘nothing’! As a bespoke video production agency, there is no limit to what we can create for your school or higher education environment. So, if you have an idea, a challenge, an opportunity or a vision, we can help you bring it to life through the power of animation.

    As experts in the field of animation in education, we can help you choose the best animation style, design format, storyline and online channels to get your video seen by the right people

    Is Animation Right For Education?

    Animation in education is ideal because it lends itself so well to various ages and audiences. For EYFS pupils, schools can use animation to replicate the sense of wonder and natural curiosity that young people possess.

    Older children and teenagers will respond to animation thanks to its cool tech appeal and escapism from the ordinary into a world of extraordinary possibilities. Schools can also use animation in education to convey concepts and ideas to external stakeholders, board members and parents.

    Universities tend to benefit from animation that’s slick, relatable and aspirational – it’s the perfect medium for inspiring future leaders and explaining

    Inspire Creativity & Drive Focus

    Animation as a learning tool has the potential to ignite creativity and open new avenues for students in the promotion of arts and animation. It also allows students to think differently about a potential subject matter and approach it from a new and more visual perspective than other educational tools would allow. Animation can also have a positive impact on increasing students focus and engagement in a topic compared with more traditional learning methods. Videos tend to be fast paced, informative and are designed with the focus of helping people absorb key information that otherwise might be more difficult to convey.

    Where To Begin With An Education Animation?

    If you’re exploring animation in education, it’s key to understand your audience and the message you’re trying to convey. A strong concept, cohesive storyline, clear message and strong call to action are the foundation – the animation brings it all to life.

    Whenever we take on new projects, we’ll begin with a remote or face-to-face chat about your objectives, audience and ideal outcomes. We’ll then put together some concepts for you to review and  build a bespoke quote based on your budget. Then, the magic begins. We’ll create a storyboard that will become your animation. This is a really exciting process and we’ll keep you informed throughout the process so you know what to expect!

    Bring Research Projects To Life

    We regularly talk to and work with Universities that are keen to bring their funded research projects to life via the medium of animation. With one of the main benefits of animation being the ability to engage audiences and display potentially difficult to absorb information, it often works exceptionally well when looking to summarise findings.

    How To Present Data

    Making The Grade

    Animation in education relies on using the right channels to showcase your animation video. Social media, email and your own website are all valuable channels that your animation might call home. But it’s important that you do some research to understand the channels your audience uses so your video gets the right traction – this is something we can help with. We’ll also help you include analytics tracking so you can measure how your video performs.

    If you’re keen to find out more about animation in education, get in touch! We’d love to find out about your school or university and discuss how we can help you achieve your goals through animation.

    Our education animation blogs and case studies can be seen below

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    digital out of home advertising

    Character Animation

    Orlov the meerkat, Ronald McDonald, Tony the Tiger.

    They’re all animated characters that are instantly recognisable and induce memories of the adverts they have starred in and thoughts about the brands they represent. The practise of creating an animated character to represent a product, brand or service is known as character-driven animation. It is a form of marketing that can be just as effective as a live spokesperson when trying to convey a message to your audience.

    Why include a character in your video?

    Businesses and brands ultimately include animated characters in their videos as it gives them a form of identity. If implemented properly, people will begin to associate a business or brand with the animated character they have created. The highly recognisable and popular ‘Compare the Market’ meerkat, Orlov, is the perfect example of this. Orlov is synonymous with the ‘Compare the Market’ brand and is arguably now better known!

    Stand out

    Including a character animation in a video will also help it stand out from other videos and ensure the viewer finds it memorable. Animated characters can be given traits and characteristics that target a particular audience and support the overall message you are trying to get across. For example, Tony the Tiger, synonymous with Kellogg’s ‘Frosties’ for nearly 70 years, has always been portrayed as a friendly, lovable character, interested in helping children strive to reach their full potential. This has helped Frosties adverts remain ever-popular with generations of children.

    Build a storyline

    The beauty of using an animated character in video advertisements is that an impressive story-line can be woven around them across many videos. Character animation will also enhance the effect and impression of a story. An audience can quickly become emotionally attached to an animated character (look at Edgar the dragon in the latest John Lewis Christmas advert). This could lead to conversations and shares on social networking sites, invoking a sense of community around your brand.

    Character Driven Animation at The Animation Guys

    At The Animation Guys we recognise the great responsibility that comes with creating an animated character for either entertainment or branding purposes. What a character looks like and how they come across can determine whether your video is a success or not. Between them our incredible team of 2D and 3D designers have years of experience creating memorable animated characters for brand videos. Using their expertise and the latest animation techniques they will work with you to create an animated character that reflects the ethos of your brand and message you are trying to convey. That perfect idea of what you want your character to look like… they can bring it to life on the screen!

    Over the years we have worked with a number of top brands to deliver amazing character driven animations. We’ve produced an educational animation for the NHS, an animation for the charity ‘Network for Animals’ and a ‘Monty the Dog’ explainer video, just to name a few. Below you can see some other examples of other character animation videos we have produced. 

    Network For Animals Animation

    Working closely with Network For Animals we created a character-led story that highlights the importance of kindness and seeks to change perceptions about the treatment of animals.

    ‘Monty The Dog’ Explainer Video

    Meet Monty the Dog! MSH@Home had this adorable canine brand mascot that we had the pleasure of turning into an animation around an important cause.

    Jane Explain

    Our very own mascot Jane Explain! Jane is an animated character that we use throughout our process that helps people understand why they should consider an animation video to help explain difficult to grasp concepts!

    Using characters in your marketing efforts has a positive impact. If character animation is something that interests you, don’t hesitate to get in touch!

    Check out our Character Animation Portfolio

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    Health and Safety Animation Agency

    Health & Safety Animation

    Health & Safety Animation Introduction

    Health & Safety is a key topic that affects all levels of society, whether that be businesses & their employees or the general public & everyone in-between. Animation is perfect for this job and has become the go-to for business safety across the globe. This is because complicated ideas can be clearly and easily explained through the medium of animation & video. And, as a bonus, they’re fun to watch! Whether it’s iconography, infographics, stylised recreations of situations or full-blown character animation. Your message will be clear and your employees will be well trained, informed and ultimately safe!

    The Benefits Of Animation

    Health & Safety animations are important because they allow you to explore dangerous scenarios & complicated topics, whilst still delivering a professional and engaging branded result. We understand that delivering effective health & safety videos is a serious matter for businesses and governments. Yet, you can have fun with them. This could be putting characters in different situations or showing different approaches. Animation enables you to refine your message & tone in a way that may be limited by traditional methods. Elevating your message beyond a typical PowerPoint presentation enables your message to stick in the minds of the audience and that in turn makes everyone safer.

    Why Animation Works So Well

    Few mediums are as versatile and focused as animation for clearly explaining the difficult topics that health and safety videos address. They are bespoke & tailored to your message and branding so that it is perfectly fitted to your needs. Health and safety never looked so good! For example, some sites may be too difficult to access easily and cheaply or maybe the space is unsuitable for live filming. Animation gives you control over everything and everyone, making your video effective from the first watch.

    When to use Health And Safety Animations

    • When filming isn’t practical
    • Reconstructing a dangerous situation
    • Explaining your safe systems of work (SSOW)
    • When you need to address a large, varied workforce
    • Launching a new safety initiative
    • Communicating with an overseas workforce
    • Explaining practices in an engaging, memorable way
    • When you don’t want to watch another long voiceover video

    Connecting With The Customer

    Not all health and safety animations need to be serious. Animation has the amazing ability to carry a huge variety of tones effectively & seamlessly. By adding a little fun to your health & safety animation, you make it more memorable for the audience. This, in turn, makes your message stick in their minds that much more. This could be through explaining correct PPE usage, safety inductions, correct fire procedures and much much more. Health and safety animations transform your message into one which is simple but effective every time it’s watched.

    Time To Revolutionise Health & Safety

    Animation provokes disinterested audiences. Its brings safety into the 21st century. Whether you’re explaining the cause of accidents, motivating individuals, explaining the rules, or training the next generation, animation opens up the doors to promote safe behaviours and even safer practices. Get in touch today to find out why animation is the perfect tool to make everyone safer.

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      Insurance Animation

      Insurance Animation

      Insurance Animation Introduction

      Expertly crafted animated videos can help people navigate complex, information-heavy topics. If keeping customers informed & up to date is a key USP for you, then animation can help you achieve that in a fun and effective way.

      We all know videos are far more interesting than long paragraphs of text, including the one you’re reading! If you’re an insurance company, you may be at a disadvantage when it comes to marketing your product and informing your customers. It’s not because insurance is boring, it’s just that insurance isn’t the sort of thing that can be easily explained conventionally. When you have something as complex as insurance, even when it is amazing and interesting. It’s not going to engage and grab anyone if nobody can understand it easily. This is where an insurance animation fits in.

      The Benefits Of Animation

      An insurance animation is designed and crafted by a bespoke animation company, hooking your audience immediately. Without having to rely on drawbacks that may inhibit a live-action production, and racking up additional costs. An insurance animation is unburdened by such earthly tethers. If you can think it, then it can be done.

      Why Animation Works So Well

      One key reason animation works so well for insurance is that animated videos deliver ideas, concepts and messages in a clearly and engagingly. These messages can be very complex and still, they can be shown in an easily digestible way. This is what has made animation so popular a medium. By showing a complex idea visually, you can help people to understand something that they wouldn’t have if they had read a long paragraph our work of text. We created a bright and fun explainer video for Grenson Motors to help explain Gap insurance for vehicles. We did this using a character-led video that keeps the viewer engaged, delivering fun & comedy in the process!

      Improving Understanding

      Additionally, insurance animations are especially great at discussing difficult topics within insurance such as billing statements, policy coverage or endorsements. By explaining your services in a clear way to your audience, you are more likely to connect with them and stop them from switching off. This makes it easy for people to grasp the concepts and understand the advantages of different policies & services.

      Connecting With The Customer

      Customers appreciate unique videos that tie into the branding they know and chose for their insurance. When we created a Feature Promo for Home & Legacy, we tied the colour of the animation into the established colour palettes they had for each of their different services. This enables their audience to link what they are viewing in the video & what they are already used to dealing with.

      Time To Revolutionise Insurance Understanding

      Many insurance companies have also turned to animated videos to help gain customer attention, improve the transparency and understanding of their services. Just as new Fintech companies have revolutionised the banking sector and made things clearer and easier for consumers, animation can do that for insurance.

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        Event Highlight Video

        So you’ve got a big event coming up. There’s going to be hundreds of people attending. You’re keen to find a way to keep them engaged with your content after the event. How do you collate your content and present it in a way that adds to the longevity and re-usability of all the hard work that was put into the event itself? What you need is an animated event highlight video.

        This is an innovative, short form and digestible piece of content that helps summarise topics and key points from the event into a flowing piece of content ready for the avid viewer online.

        Event Highlight Video

        Why Does An Event Highlight Animation Work So Well?

        An event highlight animation takes recorded audio from your talk, presentation or interview and augments it into the world of animation. It can be branded to fit your company or reflect the look of the event itself. There are multiple benefits and possibilities of animation. You can access a wide audience with your topic of conversation and the story that is being told. You can re-engage people who came to the event, helping to increase follow-ups and interaction with your brand. Also, an event highlight animation can help bring the event into new spaces both online and offline.

        Why Choose An Animated Event Highlight Video?

        All of these things can be done through clever design and interesting characters. It has been proven that animation is highly engaging in the way it connects with viewers compared to simple static live-action footage. It allows attendees to recap the event in a new and exciting way that isn’t just a shortcut of footage from the event that they’ve already seen. Another benefit of an event highlight animation is that animation can explain complex topics through the medium of animation. Compare animation to a small presentation slide, on a stage. You’re already leaps and bounds ahead in terms of interest and effective communication!

        University Animation

        Shareability & Added Exposure

        In addition to sharing an event highlight animation within your regular content circles and channels, it also benefits from its appeal to others. Your animation becomes an asset that can be shared on the various speakers’ own channels. Who doesn’t want to have an illustrated character of themselves? If it shows them off in a high production manner without any effort on their part. This is free marketing for them and extra promotion for you.

        A Success Story!

        Here is an example of an event highlight video we recently created for the Award-Winning Virtual Reality (VR) and Creative Production Agency | REWIND. The event was called “Does Technology Help Or Hinder Humanity? A Discussion With Sir Martyn Lewis”

        We took audio from this event that was over an hour long and distilled it down to a 2-minute animation that sums up the various topics in a digestible way. The benefits of this are tenfold. We used the magic of animation to explain topics visually whilst also being fun and accessible. This kind of animation lends itself well to sharing on social media platforms. It can also bring in a new audience that doesn’t have the time to sit and watch an hour-long talk, but wants to find out more about the topic that was discussed.

        Whatever your event, animation can only benefit your company once the doors have closed and the lights are off.

        Get in touch today to find out how an event highlight animation can benefit you.

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          healthcare animation

          Healthcare Animation

          Healthcare Animation Introduction

          A healthcare animation is a powerful tool for conveying messages in a clear and engaging way. In particular, healthcare animation can help you simplify complex terms and present information at the right tone for your audience. It can inspire, motivate and incite action. This makes it the perfect medium for communicating to audiences within the medical and healthcare industries.

          Medical, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies have started using medical animation to showcase their wide and diverse range of products, services and advancements. The most complicated ideas, theories and processes in healthcare can now be shown and explained quickly and clearly, with the help of a healthcare animation.

          The Growth Of Healthcare Animation

          Healthcare animation is a growing medium for improving patient communication. Encouraging a patient to watch a video that inducts them into a process can be far simpler and more effective than an individual doctor explaining it verbally. Medical professionals have found that animations can convey important information to the patient, even before they see a doctor for the first time. If a patient searches for medical help online first, which is becoming more and more common, a video on the website can provide medical institutions with the tools to share vital information. A video can help a prospective patient understand their medical conditions, the medicine they may need to take or even the procedures they may have to undergo. With healthcare animation, it’s possible to zoom down to a molecular level, slow things down and generally, do many things that would be impossible in live-action filming.

          Simplify Your Product/Service

          Animation is a key player when it comes to simplifying complex models, devices and methods. Something that may take much longer to explain through text or a voiceover can be explained in seconds with animation. Creating a healthcare animation to share an aspect of your healthcare organisation, whether to a business audience or straight to the patient, will free up your time to focus on other, more vital jobs.

          healthcare animation

          Medical Explainer Videos

          Healthcare animations are produced with an emphasis on accurate visualisation and clear explanations. They’re also sometimes called medical explainer videos. Whatever you choose to call them, healthcare animations or medical explainer videos are adaptable and one version can usually be adjusted for different audiences, rather than needing to create new versions each time. This project we completed with Devyser helped to explain a new complicated process they had developed in a visually interesting and engaging way. 

          Visualise The Process

          Medical animations for visualising processes inside the body are most commonly seen using 3D Animation. They can depict an incredible array of microscopic processes and functions. However, this is just one small sector of healthcare animations. Animation can be used in marketing to explain complicated topics to an audience without worrying about technical topics. It can also be used to connect with audiences through video marketing strategies via social media or a video on a website landing page. 

          healthcare animation
          healthcare animation

          Benefit The Patient

          Using healthcare animations can only benefit the patient, allowing them to feel secure and far more prepared before going to their appointment. Once inside a medical facility, animation can further help medical professionals in their roles. Many patients do not have in-depth knowledge in medicine so it can be time consuming for doctors to explain complex conditions or procedures in a digestible way. Furthermore, a patient may not want to see real footage of medical procedures and animation creates a non-graphic way for them to visualise a potential procedure. Medical animation is a more accessible and palatable channel for informing or preparing patients – it allows the healthcare professional and patient to find common ground. 

          Healthcare Animation For Training

          A healthcare animation can also be an effective tool for training medical professionals. Due to the level of detail that can be shown and the amount of information that can be condensed into a single visual animation, this type of video is ideal for training. Educators can use the tools of animation to explain a broad range of topics to their audience. This is important for medical professionals in training who benefit from clear and precise instructions on how to use certain pieces of equipment. 

          In all these scenarios, animation can help to improve various methods of communication within the healthcare and medical sectors.

          When it comes to creating powerful healthcare animations that can inform, educate, prepare or reassure viewers, this is what we do best and is where our experience lies.

          Time To Transform Your Healthcare Marketing

          Being a specialist in medical video marketing and having worked with a variety of different clients in the healthcare sector, we have learnt how to get the most from your animated video. Be it to showcase a new product or service or to explain something to a patient we can work with you to ensure the messaging is clear, concise and engaging. You can also get in contact with us to talk through your creative vision. We are here to help you tell your story.

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            3d animation process

            How we do it

            Our Animation Process /  2D

            If you’ve never done animation before, it can seem like a mysterious process.

            Even if you’ve worked with an animation agency previously, we created this helpful video to give you an insight into our short & simple process.


            Our Animation Process / 3D

            A breakdown

            We’ve also broken down that same process into its individual elements

            KICK OFF

            This is where it all begins. You’ll meet the rest of The Animation Guys and we’ll discuss your new video.


            Firstly, we work together to produce a finished script centred around your message and audience.

            STYLE FRAME

            Next, our talented team create static illustrations that visualise the look of the finished video.


            Using the locked down style, we produce the storyboard. This helps you see the video in tandem with the script.


            Now we move to the most magical part of the process! Our skilled team of animators bring your vision to life!


            Then, the moment we’ve all been waiting for. The beloved video. The process is complete!

            Contact Us

            Think our process will work for your project? Get in touch now to find out more.

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              3d explainer animation

              TV Adverts

              An animated tv advert is a form of video that enables a company to advertise itself in a compelling memorable way to a large national or international audience.

              Get More Bang For Your Buck

              As technology has improved and become faster and cheaper, more and more we are seeing a surge in the number of companies turning to animation. They can use it as a way to tell a comprehensive story to prospective customers. This is due to the many benefits it offers a company in terms of production & flexibility.

              Animation is also able to work around production delays, allowing for changes in the later stages. This means that if you want to tweak something in the latter stages of the process you won’t have to empty your pockets in order to set up the shoot all over again.

              Give Your Imagination Free Rein

              An animated tv advert also has the ability to achieve inconceivable things in real life. Adding to the memorable nature that makes advertising campaigns successful.

              Animated TV adverts can provide a much lower cost option compared to traditional advertising. Live action adverts have to hire actors, models or renowned individuals. Animation can create bespoke characters that not only align with your brand but can look exactly how you want them to down to the finest detail, no matter how over the top. For example, if you wanted a giant green dragon to be the face of your company, you’d do well to find one willing to commit to live action adverts. Why not have us create one for you instead?

              Engage Your Audience

              Animated TV adverts are generally fun to watch and help to create a higher viewer engagement than a traditional advert. It helps it to stand out and not fade into the background. The ability for the animation to also easily involve humour, keeps the viewer entertained. Additionally, it invites the sharing of that content and the potential for it to go viral. After all, who doesn’t want their company to become a social media phenomenon? This bonus marketing potential is one that has been capitalized on by many companies. 

              Conversely, choosing a style of animated TV advert that plays on the heartstrings of your audience is easily achievable within the scope of animation. By using common or current issues, this allows the animation to relate to peoples’ lives more. 

              Using inspirational messages can help strengthen a brand and are often universal in their appeal. Tie that in with animation and you have a winning combination.

              Broaden Your Audience

              TV advertising enables a business to reach a far wider audience, leading to increased brand awareness. Everybody and their mother owns a TV in the UK and beyond, allowing for a huge boost in brand exposure. 

              Animated TV adverts can also appeal to a wider audience in a more demographic sense, drawing the attention of young and old regardless of any potential social differences. Let’s be honest, who didn’t love animation as a child and still hold some of their animated favourites close to their hearts? Also, regardless of their age, gender or any other social label, individuals are far more inclined to remember a distinctive animated video than another actor’s face gracing their screen.

              Combine TV And Digital

              Campaigns that use TV and online in tandem are very powerful. They have the ability to convert customers across multiple channels simultaneously.

              By tapping into all the resources available at hand, a company using animated TV ads can rebrand and reshape the content easily for different channels. This allows for increased reusability and variety all in one neatly packaged animated TV advert.

              To learn more, get in touch now!

              Want your project to walk the walk?Let’s talk the talk.

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              Explore one of our TV Adverts

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              Agency Animation Support

              Animation Production Support

              Picture’re working on a video marketing project that involves animation and a tight deadline is fast approaching. You're only halfway through project and you realise you're not going to complete it on time... Don't panic, our animation production support team are here to help!

              Here at The Animation Guys we regularly collaborate with businesses from around the world. Our team of animation experts are on hand to assist with all forms of animation production. We have a proven track record of delivering exceptional work that is always on time, completed to a high standard and exceeds customers’ expectations from start to finish. If you need animation production support, we will ensure that your video production project is delivered successfully, regardless of what stage in production it is in.

              We understand the importance of confidentiality so offer a a complete white-label service. Our talented in-house team of animators, filmmakers and motion graphics designers work across all types of media. They will merge seamlessly into your project pipeline as if they were sitting on the computer next to you with the rest of your team!

              The importance of good video content has never been greater. Outsourcing a video production project can have a number of benefits for a business. It will allow you to manage your time and resources, help you keep up-to-date with ever changing trends and will give you access to the most talented filmmakers and animators. Whether you’d like to outsource a small part of the animation production or the whole project, we can tailor our approach to suit your needs.

              We are a successful London based animation production company that has a wealth of experience working with a range of businesses from around the world. Here at The Animation Guys, we are all about bespoke quoting. If you have something in mind, get in touch!

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